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Help your child to Write

How to help your child with their writing

There is a greater emphasis on grammar, spelling and punctuation with the new National Curriculum. Children are expected to have mastered the skill of writing with ever increasing levels of presentation and proficiency.

One of the most important things you can do is to read to and with your child. Reading and writing go hand-in-hand; good writers are well read, not just in grammar and usage, but in various subjects and writing styles. Surround your child with language. Play games with words and have fun with the words you see on a daily basis.

Provide your children with a place and materials for creative writing. Just as children should have a quiet place to study and do their other homework, the same is true for their writing assignments. Ideally, this would be a desk in the child's room, away from the television.

Encourage daily writing. The best way to improve writing skills, no matter the writer's age, is through regular practice. Get your child to think about a writing project before doing any actual writing. Most writing begins by planning the story, article, or poem before actual putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard.

Write along with them. While it's okay to help with the actual writing if asked, "write along with them" actually means doing the writing assignment yourself alongside your child. Doing the assignment yourself and showing the results to your child shows him or her that you value creative writing skills.

Review your child's work but don't add too much pressure. Writing is a very complicated skill which relies upon using many skills all at the same time .It can often take time too perfect. 

For more information watch the video below regarding the Big Writing Adventures which we use at school. 

To help you understand more about the work of Pie Corbett and 'Talk for Writing', which is an approach we adopt at Braywood, follow this link.

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