Come and visit our wonderful school including our NEW NURSERY. We have open mornings every Wednesday at 10am led by the Headteacher.

First Aid and Medicines

What if your child is ill?
If your child is unwell, please call the school before 10am on the first day of absence so that we can update our records otherwise a staff member will be concerned and call your home. It is important to keep us regularly informed as attendance figures are required by the Department of Education and the RBWM Welfare Team.
If your child becomes unwell at school, parents will be contacted by telephone so that you they can collect their child. A bump to the head or an eye injury will be automatically reported to parents even if the child seem perfectly well. If a child has been ill in the night for whatever reason we ask that they do not return back to school for 24 hours because we do not want any bugs to spread to the rest of the class.
All staff are trained in basic first aid and can deal with minor injuries. In the case of a more serious injury, an ambulance will be called and a member of staff will accompany your child to hospital if you can not be contacted.
In order to comply with the regulations laid down by the Health and Safety at Work Act schools are advised not to administer medicines to children. We ask that wherever possible you give your child Calpol or antibiotics before or after school as we feel it safer for parents to keep control of all medication for short illnesses. If this is not possible a form is available from the office that needs to be signed by the parents which provides clear instructions for administering the medicine.
Staff will, of course, administer medicines for chronic illnesses such as Asthma or Diabetes. If the school is administering medication such as inhalers, epipens etc they must be clearly labeled with the child's name and dosage. Each child will have a care plan and be highlighted on a whole school care plan. 
Children's health and safety is of paramount importance to us. Policies are on this website and emergency procedures are displayed throughout the school. A community nurse visits in Year 1 to check the child's general health.
Parents please remember to update the school if there is a change to your contact details.