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Extra Curricular Opportunities for All

A wide range of Extra - Curricular activities is on offer at Braywood

Lots of opportunities at our school

At Braywood we recognise the importance of study support and the positive impact that it can have on a child. We will always seek to extend opportunity and provision for the benefit of all pupils.

The purpose of extra-curricular activities is to raise achievement by motivating our pupils to become more effective learners through activities, which enrich the curriculum, improve key skills and raise achievement. These activities take place out of school hours. Study support in our school is grounded in the belief that all our pupils can achieve success through three key ingredients:

•                Opportunities to learn for all

•                Sustained support for learning

•                A challenge to succeed

At Braywood we provide a range of out-of-class study and leisure activities designed to encourage good study habits and promote the idea that learning can be fun. Children can extend out of hours learning beyond the range of the normal curriculum or have further experiences with topics and activities they enjoy or are good at.

Extra-curricular activities are choice and offers children a positive experience of school life and their local community.  It helps raise achievement and equips children with the skills and knowledge to enrich their lives and achieve personal fulfilment.

It is a considerable achievement for such a small school to provide a wide variety of extended activities to maximise the use of the school day. The whole ethos/aims of our school are reflected through our study support programme.

Activities over the years may look like this:

  • One-to-one tuition with specialist HLTA
  • Small group catch-up groups on Tuesdays with Class teacher
  • Publishing club, writing club, ICT on a teacher/student availability basis
  • Sport including Rugby, Football, Tennis, Judo, Bench ball, Netball, Karate. Multi-skills
  • Creative including Art, Film Club, Sewing Club, Languages 
  • Music lessons with class teacher
  • Extended schools including Breakfast Club
  • Residential trip and day trips
  • Family learning including local community i.e. keep fit, cooking