Come and visit our wonderful school including our NEW NURSERY. We have open mornings every Wednesday at 10am led by the Headteacher.

Help your child to Read

Learning to read is fundamental to everything 

At Braywood we use the Read Write Inc Scheme to teach the children the fundamentals in Reading, Writing, Spellings, Grammar and Punctuation. This is supplemented by a wide array of reading material that each child takes home to share with their parents. When children become competent readers they can use the library for additional reading material.

We have an electronic reading programme called 'The Bug Club' which is available for each child in the school. This allows children to select from a range of books or explore the games and comprehension materials which are also available.

For more information on our Literacy Curriculum please visit

These two websites are very good and helps parents to understand more about how children learn to read. The latter will link you to our Bug Club where every child can access an electronic reading scheme.