Come and visit our wonderful school including our NEW NURSERY. We have open mornings every Wednesday at 10am led by the Headteacher.


Please come and talk to us if you are unhappy
Braywood aims to establish and promote a close relationship with all parents in the interests of their children. It also seeks to provide a first class service to all stakeholders. We recognise that children will feel more secure when they receive consistent messages from both home and school.

Braywood is interested to hear the views of all members of the immediate and broader school community, including the expression of any serious concerns. It is important that anyone who finds the school’s performance unsatisfactory should inform the headteacher. In this way performance can be improved and quality assured. At the same time we will inform parents as soon as possible about any issues of concern to the school so that there can be mutual co-operation in resolving them.


The ethos and procedures of the school’s complaints procedure are designed to facilitate a prompt and effective response to complaints. The complaints procedure complements the established procedures of the Authority. The School’s Complaints Policy is enshrined in these complementary procedures.

At Braywood we seek to provide a variety of ways in which concern about its performance can be registered so that we can secure a prompt remedy and avoids an escalation of the problem.  We believe though that when an issue of serious substance arises it may be necessary to follow the formal procedures established by the Authority and outlined in the link below.

The school is committed to the principle of equal opportunity in the management of complaints. It believes that no complainant should be disadvantaged by the nature of the procedures in operation at the school.

The school’s complaints procedure has mechanisms for recording formal complaints where the Governors are informed. Once this process is under way the school will adhere to the guidelines set down by the RBWM.

If parents feel that they wish to refer a complaint to the Headteacher they should, wherever possible, make an appointment in advance to discuss their concerns so that sufficient time and attention can be made available. Serious complaints should be put in writing and the Headteacher will respond to the issue immediately.