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Our Core Curriculum

A foundation on which all learning builds upon 

Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening and Mathematics 

As parents you want the best education possible for your child and at Braywood. We aim to provide this for each and every child. These early stages are vitally important as they form the foundation on which all future learning is built upon. These foundations need to be firm and children need to be confident of their core facts.

Our curriculum is broad, balanced and relevant to the learner. There is a effective emphasis in English and Mathematics which is enriched through a variety of curricular experiences and opportunities to learn. The main outcomes are confident, resilient and well equipped learners. 


The acquisition of English skills is central to children's intellectual development and crucial to the understanding of many other subjects. We aim to teach our pupils to use language as effectively as they can in a wide variety of situations. Children are involved in speaking and listening, drama, debating work and participate in an internal English Speaking Board Presentation.

In order to capitalise on the essential skill of reading, the children are taught the fundamentals of decoding words from an early age using a lively, attractive and structured phonics scheme, Read Write Inc. By providing a wealth of reading materials carefully matched to need, we endeavour to foster an enjoyment and love of literature. We have an extensive library, a varied reading scheme and an electronic reading programme. The children read, and are read to, daily at school. They are encouraged to read with confidence, fluency and understanding and to apply their reading skills in a whole range of other subjects.

Writing is a pleasure and children are encouraged to be creative and ambitious. They understand and use their knowledge of phonics and spelling to read, write and spell accurately. The skills required to be an author are taught systematically to improve the quality of their written work. A neat cursive handwriting style is adopted at Braywood.


Maths is an integral part of everyday life, and as such we aim to provide the children with a range of mathematical experiences. A strong understanding of numerical concepts is essential. Care is taken to make sure that number facts are fully understood and can be applied creatively to problem solving. Skills and strategies are developed using a practical approach (often using ICT) where mental agility is fostered through practice and growing confidence.

The children's' progress is carefully monitored to ensure that continual progress is achieved against expected attainment targets. We use the Abacus Mathematics Scheme are a base for our curriculum together with the principles of Singapore Maths to provide a rounded, challenging and effective curriculum. Gifted and talented children are able to take their understanding to the level of mastery.